jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013

4º A/C: Gran Torino

Gran Torino, which we saw in our English classes before Christmas, shows the friendship between an old man, Walt Kowalsky, and a teenager, Thao Lor. The film also deals with issues such as racism, gang violence, family relationships and death. Who is your favourite character from the movie? Why? In your opinion, what is the best scene in the film? Why? Please, remember that you have to answer these questions by the end of Christmas holidays. Merry Christmas and happy new year!

71 comentarios:

  1. Hi! My favorite character is Walt because at first of the movie we see a serious and very unfriendly man, but slowly becomes friend Thao's family and his character change a lot. The scene that I liked most is when Walt lends his Gran Torino to Thao for go to the cinema with Youa. Rebeca Ruiz, 4ºC

  2. Well done, Rebeca! Thank you very much for sharing your opinion.

  3. Hi, my favourite character is Thao because I think that he is very mature for his age, because the teenagers do bad things for example their cousins don´t help at home and hit other children. Thao is a bit shy at the first for met girls but Walt help he. My favourite scene is when Thao went to Walt´s house for work, this scene is very entertaining. Irene Fernández Jávega 4ºC

  4. Hello, my favorite character is Thao because at first of the movie he didn´t know defend itself and changed and he was more brave than the first. The scene that I liked most is when Walt is going to take a lighter and other start shooting him. María Tébar, 4º A

  5. Walt is an old man who fought in the Korean War. In the film his wife dies. Walt drinks beer and trying to forget that terrible event. His neighborhood is horrible. There are many dangerous gangs but he isn´t scared but other people are.

    My favorite character is Walt because that is very brave and he isn´t afraid of anything. He is worried about his dog and his car.

    My favorite part of the film is when thaolar tries to steal Walt´s car. Walt catches the guy and to hit him. Thaolar runs away from the garage.

    In coclusion, it is a very good movie. I recommend that everybody should watch the film.

    THE END. Carmen Rus Toboso. 4º C

  6. Hello, my favourite character is Walt, because despite he was racist, Sue got to confide in Thao and they became great friends. The scene that I like it is when the Hmong had lunch and they invite to Walt and they met all the family. Elena Cano Simarro 4ºA

    1. Thank you for sharing your opinion, Elena. Good work!

  7. This film is about the life of a man (Walt Kowalsky) whose wife died.
    He is alone in his big house, he didn't have anyone, all his neighbours are foreigners and the neighbourhood where he lives is very dangerous and problematic because there are a lot of dangerous groups. This film is focused on how friendship developes between Walt Kowalsky and Thao Lor, a korean young man.
    My favourite character is Walt Kowalsky, because this character could change his point of view about his korean neighbours, and helped them when they needed it.
    My favourite part of filmis when the maincharacter helps thao lor's sister in a figth. In my opinion is the best part of film, because he helped a girl in danger, he didn't think about her skin colour.
    I like this film because it teaches a lot of thing about racism, violence between band die and so on...
    Nerea Alarcón Carretero 4ºC

  8. Hi! My favourite character from the movie is Sue, she is Thao's sister. She is my favourite character becouse altought Walt Kowalsky is a very racist man, Sue, who is Chinese, become his friend, and she help a lot to his brother Thao, who is very shy and good person.
    In my opinion, the best scene in the film is when the family read Walt's will and he give his car to Thao. I think it is a good decision becouse Thao helped a lot to Walt be before of his death, and, his family never visited Walt.
    I think it is a very good movie and I enjoyed it!
    Marta Morcillo Alcolea 4ºA

  9. Hello! My favorite character from the film is Sue Lor, Thao's sister. I like this character because she helps very much Thao with the help of Walt. She and Walt did stronger and brave Thao. She also helped to that Walt was realizing that we all are equal, initially of the movie he hated all those who were not white, and ultimately it ends becoming a friend of his Chinese neighbors.Sue did that Walt stops having badly humor, and start being more nice.

    My favorite scene of the movie is when Walt allows that the boys of the band should kill it in order that they went to the jail and to save his neighbors, I like because it is very nice what it did and it is necessary to be a very brave person to do it.
    This movie is among the best that I have seen. It is a great movie!
    Remedios Castro Muñoz 4ºA

    1. I agree that this is a great movie. Thank you, Reme, and well done!

  10. Hello! The character that I like more is Walt, because at first he was unfriendly and racist, but little by little we watching as we really is, and he isn't as shown in the beginning. He does a good job.
    The scene that I like more is when Walt locks to Thao for go he only to home thao's Cousin.
    I like the film because it is very entertained.
    Laura Camacho Cuesta 4ºA

    1. You are right, Laura, the film shows an interesting change in Walt. Nice work! Thanks a lot.

  11. Hello!!
    My favourite character is Walt because he is a very strong and brave man
    and fought in the war to help his country. His wife has been died and he hasn't got a good relationship with his children.
    My favourite scene is the last part when Walt goes to help Thao and his family despite know that he is going to be killed. The film has a good and original end.
    I recomend this film because it could teach us some good things.

    1. Thanks for writing this comment and for using "despite" (which we studied before Christmas) in it. Great work!

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  13. Hello, my fauvorite character is Walt Kowalsky, because he is a man that despite his beliefs, he takes into account his moral valves and ethic, too, because he is a man who does´nt need help. Although his family tries to help him, he knows that their intention isn,t real. That is the reason why he doesn´t accept it.
    For me, the best scene is that in which he helps his neighbour because she is in troubles, and correct things is to do so. That´s why he lets her get into his car.
    Miriam 4C

  14. Hello!!
    The film Gran Torino is good.
    My favourite character is the principal actor, Walt Kowalsky, because it looks bad but it helps people. For example, he help his neighbours who are of another race.
    My favourite scene is when Walt begins to get alone with their neighbours, because although they are of another race, are persons.
    Mª Teresa Temprado 4ºC

  15. My favourite character is Thao, because he surpasses himself making an effort in things that, before, he didn't dare to do.

    The best scene, in my opinion, is the scene in which Walt is killed by Thao's cousin and his gang, because he resorts to non-violence to enclose them in the jail. They were tormenting Thao, his family and the neighborhood, faced with the impassivity of the police.

    Alfonso Tébar 4º C

    1. Good thinking! Very good use of grammar and vocabulary, Alfonso.

  16. Hello!!! My favourite character is Sue because she is the first that try to change Walt into a more friendly and tolerant person.
    The best scene for me is when Walt try to save Thao go to the house of the cousin of him and die there.
    I like so much this film because is very funny in some moments in spite of the end that is very emotive.

    Cristina Vázquez Gomez 4ºA

    1. I agree that this film is both funny and emotive. Well done, Cristina!

  17. My favourite character is Walt because, at first, he was very rude, big-headed and he thought that all the things that he did and said were the better and the rest of people were wrong, but, finally, he changed , he only needed love, company and undestanding that he received of him neighbours, the two teenagers, specially, Thao. Thanks to them, he understood the new life and left of a world marked by the last. Also, is my favourite character because he did the things without regard the thoughts of the people.
    My favourite scene is when the two black boys began to menace to the Thao's sister and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend didn't defeand to him girlfriend and is she who showed more courage. Then arrived Walt and is he who saved of the situation to the girl and the boyfriend thought that he could escape with them, but, due to him behavior Walt didn't permit that he got in the car. Finally Walt and the girl returned to home and is when began their friendship.
    Ana Donate Ortega 4ºA

  18. My favourite character is Walt, because he is funny, and I like when in films the characters change their feelings and attitudes. Because at first he is alone and edge, but then he becomes a good person.
    I think that my favourite scene is when there was the chainise girl with other two men, and Walt appears in his car, and then he help the girl. I think that this is the best scene in the film!
    I think it is a very good movie and I enjoyed it!
    Sara Sánchez Ruiz 4ºA

    1. Thanks for your comment, Sara. I agree that being open minded and able to change is positive.

  19. Hello!
    My favorite character is Sue Lor (she is Thao's sister), because during the film she sents as a message that we are equal and no matter where we come from. She helps very much Thao together with Walt. At the beginning of the movie Walk hates those who are not white but thanks to Sue that changes.
    My favorite scene of the movie is when Walt saves at Sue to some boys that they only like to do bad things. He makes the boys leave alone at Sue and takes her home.
    I liked the movie. It is a great movie!
    Lorena García 4ºC

  20. the film that we saw in the class last week was Gran Torino.
    This film is about the friendship, the different races and the family.
    My favourite character in the film is Walt Kowalsky because first He is bad with the people of another race but later He is friend of a boy to another race and He hates the bunch.
    My favourite part is when he helps Thao´s sister because He starts to change in this part of the film.
    I think that It´s a good film that is about very importanst subjects such as friendship, family and diferents races.

    By: Lourdes Alarcón Sevilla. 4º ESO C

  21. Hi! My favourite character is Walt because he is very funny and a good man. First, he was a little disagreeable with Thao, but at the end they become good friends and they help among them. My favourite scene of the film is when Thao is working in Walt's garden. I like it because finally Walt is more agreeable and he advice Thao that he should be the boyfriend of Youa and he help Thao to get a work in the construction.
    Rocío Morcillo Fernández 4ºA

  22. Hello!!
    Firstly, my favourite character from the movie is Thao Lor because I think that he is a very good person, quite hard-working and friendly, too. Besides, he worries about others and he always thinks about his family and friends and he takes care of them. Although he is a little coward person, he knows when he have to speak and when he should be quiet. Moreover, he is very polite and shy.

    After that, from my point of view the best scene in the film is the following: the Thao's sister is attacked by some boys of dark skin. They want to hurt her and she is very scared. Suddenly, the old man Walt appears with a gun and he saves the girl. I like this scene because I think that the old man is very brave, and he don't mind that the girl is of other different skin colour.

    Finally, I believe it is a very interesting and funny film. Lucía Jareño Toboso 4ºA

    1. Very good use of connectors, Lucía. Very thoughtful, too. Excellent!

  23. My favourite character from the movie is Walt Kowalsky, an old man, that he fought in many wars some years ago. His wife died recently and he was a solitary man. This is my favourite charactere because he helped his neighbours many times, and particulary he helped Thao.
    My best scene in the film was when Walt Kowalsky helped Thao's sister in the moment in wich a dangerous gang of boys want hurted the girl.
    It's a good and emotional film. It shown differences. Because of the conduct of the characteres in this film, we can learn many lessons about the life.
    Carmen Grande Galindo 4ºC

    1. Nice work, Carmen. I agree that this film can teach us many things about life. Thank you!

  24. Hello!
    My favourite character is Walt, because at first of the film, he is unfriendly and racist, but during development of the film, we can see how Walt leaves behind his prejudices and befriends Tao ( his korean neighbour), demonstrating that people can change.
    My favorite part of the movie is when Walt sees a group of teenagers are harassing Sue (older sister of Tao) and walt decides to defend her, preventing them from doing something.
    Beatriz Toboso Tébar 4ºC

  25. My favourite character is Walt Kowalsky.
    Because this character evolves a lot during the film. He learns to respect people from another countries, he accepts the things he did wrong in his life and confesses them, like his wife wanted. And although he couldn't be a great father for his sons, he achieved to inspire and motivate Thao to success in his life. Finally, with that acceptation, he sacrifices himselff for the safety of their friends.

    I really don't know which scene choose. There are many good scenes and they have differents themes. For example, there are funny scenes like the discussions with the barber, reflexive scenes like the ones with the father Janovich and dramatic scenes, like the ones at the end.

    This film excedeed my expectations and I highly recommend it.

  26. Very thoughtful comment about the film, Diego. Impressive!

  27. I think that it is a good film. Because we can see that the people of other cultures are good people. That the people not is how we think. My favourite character is the sister of Thao because she is a very good person, friendly and polite. My favourite scene is when Thao and Walt go to the hairstyle and Walt teach Thao to know how must to say hello, like as a mean. And we can learn that when is old lose, you can think positive and be optimistic.
    Sergio Villodre Garcia 4ºC

    1. It is true that the movie has a positive message, Sergio. Well done!

  28. Hi! Gran Torino is a very good film, my favourite character is Thao Vang Lor becouse he is one of the main character and he isn't like the other Chinesse men. My favorite scene in the film is when Thao's sister is walcking with her boyfriend and some boys appeared. They tried to abuse her but suddenly Walt arrived and took her to his house.
    I like this film a lot becouse it is about racism, violence and family. During the film you can see how people can change their values.

    Isaac Sevilla 4ºC

  29. Francisco Javier Garrido Simarro 4º C9 de enero de 2014, 14:12

    The protagonist of the movie , is Walt kowalsky, a man who has an unfriendly character , is serious, is not afraid of anything or anyone and is very racist, with those who are not of their country. But deep down, Walt, is a good man , we see him throughout in the film , as is changing character with its neighbor Thao . Next to him lives a family of Asian , which Walt, not amused and he treats them of a despicable way, but since he helped sue with a problem with black kids, she and her family, are very grateful. Thao is a good guy, but the influence of his cousin, he '' forced '' to steal a Mr. Kowalsky's valuable car, a Gran Torino. Walt catches him in the attempt, and as punishment , his family says he is going to work to Walt for a period of time, Mr. Kowalsky, teaches him many things, even he gets a job as a laborer . And at the end , Walt goes to her Thao's cousin house , to seek revenge for what they had done to Sue. Arriving at the house, killed in a shootout by Asians.

    - My favorite character is Walt Kowalski, because of the type of person he is , and which turns over the movie. I like it, for all that helps and teaches Thao, and protects Sue , as his own daughter.

    -The scene that I have liked more of the movie is the end when Walt goes Thao's cousin house, in revenge for what he had done to Sue. He tells them if they have fire, then reaches his hand into his jacket, and they think they will pull out a gun, and among all those in the house, shoot him, and he die, when what was to be removed was a lighter to light the cigar.
    I liked a lot the movie, I also like the main actor, Clint Eastwood, a very good actor.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Francisco Javier.I agree that Clint Eastwood is a great actor. Good job!

  30. Hello!
    I think this film is really good, my favourite character is Walt Kowalski, he is the main character and her is a retired man, he hates Asian people but later he helps them. He is a very good person.
    Mi favorite scene in the film when he saw that some black boys were triyng to abuse Thao Vang. But Walt took to his house.
    I like this film becouse it is about racism and, we can see how Walt chasnges his opinion about Asian people.
    By: Francisco José Arribas 4ºA

  31. Hello Araceli!
    When I was younger, I didn´t use to enjoy films very much but now I do and I think it´s a good film, not a great one because it´s not the typical action film I mostly like, but I also like these type of films.

    Well, maybe my favorite character is Walt Kowalsky because at the beginning he looks a really sad and miserable man, that is always with the same face expression and gets angry with his neighborhood because there are some foreigners and he is alone because his wife died some days ago, but during the film, he changes to better and becomes a happier person.

    Of course, in my opinion, Clint Eastwood is a great actor and I usually enjoy his film.

    My favorite scene could be when hi safes a girl and his guy of a couple of niggers that were trying to violate the girl and work over the other guy so that scene is a bit funny for my…
    Hope you enjoy my composition

    Sergio Martínez Montañés 4ºC

  32. My favourite character is Walt Kowalski, because although at the begining of the film he is a very racist man, due to his experiences in the Korean War , and is also a very antipathetic man who is always angry with everybody and even with his own family , during the film he becames into a better man and leaves his racism feeling and helps his korean neighbors giving work to Thao and saving in more than one situation to his family from the dangerous street bands that are in his problematic neighborhood.

    My favourite scene is when Walt is in his car and sees how a group of black people
    starts to insult and hit Thao´s sister . Is my favourite scene because in this scene Walt helps his neighbor without think in her nationality to leave of a very dangerous situation that cuold have ended very bad without his help.
    In general I really like the film and I think we can learn a lot of things about it.

    Martín Montero Grande 4ºESO A

  33. My favourite character is Thao because he prefer not to disgrace his family making the orders of Walt Kowalsky instead of following the steps of his cousin and their friends.

    In my opinion, the best scene is when Mr Kowalsky dies and Thao inherit his Grand Torino, because Thao thinks than Mr Kowalsky got angry with him and at he end Thao got the respect and the confidence of Walt, so WAlt decides to take a risk his life to save Thao.

    Andrés Martínez Serrano 4º A

  34. Hello! My favorite character is Walt, because at the beginning of the film he is an unfriendly man, and he hate his neighbours, who are Koreans. But then he change, and he becomes friendly. I think this is very important because we can learn something for our life. My favorite scene is when Walt go help the girl when two men were saying things to her.
    I really enjoy the film because I think it is very funny.
    Celia Bautista 4ºA

  35. Walt is my favorite character because he learns to be a better man.
    The scene that i like about the movie Gran Torino, is the last scene because it makes the gesture to pull the gun but takes the lighter. In this scene gives to believe that it does to be killed and take them to jail.
    Victor Toboso 4ºC

  36. My favourite character from the movie is Walt Kowalsky. He is a patriotic american that fought in the Corean War. I choose him, because he experiments a lot of changes in the movie like his hate to the asiatics and his final affection to Thao and his people, besides, I love the final scene when Walt was killed by the bullys to save Thao´s family.
    I said this before in the previous question... My favourite part is when Walt dies to save Thao´s family... It´s a really impacting scene, I love it.., Also is really good when Thao is driving the ``Gran Torino´´ whit the Walt´s dog whit a big smile.
    Manuel Piqueras García 4º A

    1. Thanks a lot for sharing your opinion, Manuel. Good job!

  37. Hi! my favourite character is Sue Lor, Thao's sister. Firstly, she is a very courageous girl who doesn't mind quarrel with her rebelius cousin to protect her brother. Secondly, she is the first person of her family who try to approach Walt. Moreover, she is friendly and a kind person who takes care of her family.
    The scene that I prefer is the one where Walt is murdered because it shows Walt's bravery. It also shows that Walt loves Thao because he dies to free Thao of her cousin in a good way.
    Clara Moya Parreño 4ºC

  38. My favourite character from the movie is Walt Kowalsky, an old man, that he fought in many wars some years ago. His wife died recently and he was a solitary man. This is my favourite charactere because he helped his neighbours many times, and particulary he helped Thao.
    My best scene in the film was when Walt Kowalsky helped Thao's sister in the moment in wich a dangerous gang of boys want hurted the girl.
    It's a good and emotional film. It shown differences. Because of the conduct of the characteres in this film, we can learn many lessons about the life.

    Maria Martinez Gallego 4ºA
