martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Animal Rights (1º Bachillerato)

Once we have finished the debate on animal rights, can you summarize your opinion about this issue?

17 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I love animals. I think that they help humans and give them a lot of company. Obviously, animals are not humans,they don't really know what's right or wrong, but they are living beings too.
    I'm for respecting animal rights. We can't use them as they were just tools to help our progress. Whenever I see people ill-treating an animal I feel very sad. Animals also feel pain and perhaps they are sad or happy depending on how we treat them.
    We have to eat meat, we have to investigate , we have to hunt and we have to have fun at a zoo or a circus, BUT WE CAN DO ALL THESE THINGS TAKING INTO ACCOUNT ANIMALS ARE LIVING BEINGS.
    Miriam M.P.

  2. You have expressed you opinion very clearly and your use of English is very good. Brilliant!

  3. I believe that animals are very important to the life of human beings because they give us company, they help us in some works... Why we must try to put an end to those who mistreat them and kill them. Also the animals are also very affectionate with people, clear if you treat them well.

  4. Hi J.Javier! Thanks for your comment and for working on this special day. Your opinion is clear but you have to pay attention to grammar: "Why" can only be used in questions (direct or indirect). Perhaps you meant "That's why" (Por eso). When we speak about something in general (todos los animales en este caso)and we use a plural countable noun ("animals")we dont use the article "the": "Animals are..." The same rule applies to uncountable nouns (ex: music). The word "work" has no plural form, except when it means "obra". You could say "They help us in some tasks (tareas)/professions". Anyway, thanks again for being fast to complete this activity. Merry Christmas too!

  5. I think animals have rights and they are very important for humans. It's true we have to eat them but we shouldn't mistreat them. We should try they don't suffer.
    Other issue, we use them for medicine's experiments because we need to test the drugs but many of they are effect without anesthesia. We take into account they feel pain too.
    Also, I'm against bullfighting. In this, bull suffer very much. Animals aren't very wild in outdoor but in the bullfighting they are afraid.
    In my opinion, we have to respect the animals rights.

  6. Mª Pilar, thank you for your comment. Instead of "Another issue", which is not a correct way to start a sentence, you could use "As for scientific tests". When you say "many of they are effect..." you should say "many of them are carried out...". Finally, "we should take into account...". You express your opinion clearly, but you have to pay more attention to grammar.

  7. Hello, Fran, I hope the three wise men have been good to you too. As for your comment, pay attention to grammar: "the only difference", you need a noun, not an adjective. You should avoid literal translation from Spanish: "... isn't a reason to the rest of animals..." ( es una razón para que el resto de los animales...). You can say " it isn't a reason to justify that the rest of animals...". When you use a verb as a noun you need the -ing form or the infinitive: "killing a bull/to kill a bull" and "killing/to kill animals only to". Thank you for working on this special day!

  8. Hi! I agree with animals rights. Sincerely I think that animals are living beings like us, but we should think too that they don’t think like a human. As soon as we started to use animals for advance in science and discover new good things for us, we marked the difference between humans and animals: we are over them.
    Animals are important for us because they help us to look for solutions for actuality problems or for make us company. Many times we don’t realise that animals feel pain or fear like us. They’ve got feelings! We must treat them good!!!

  9. In my opinion I'm for with the animal rights. I think animals have got feelings and not good that they are using for experiments, and other types of entertainment for example the bullfighting. I think also that the animals provide good feelings in our lifes but if they dont provide this you can't abuse.

  10. Hello, I think that the animal have same rights that the human, I think that the tradition isn´t a excuse to kill animal , for example Bullfight , I don't understand How the people enjoy when see Bullfights , I think that It is unfair for the animals , They have his rights , I feel very sad when I see this type of situations , I hope that in the future The animals improve his rights.

    Sebastián Toro Suárez.

  11. Hello, I like animals, i think that animals give us company also they help humans. the enjoy with us and we enjoy with them.
    we have to respet them, they are living beings. There are a lot kinds of animals, animals to eat like a pig, animals to take care us like some dogs and some animals that we must live with them and respet their rights but they have a problem they don´t know if something is good or bad so sometimes we teach them.

  12. I agree with the animal rights because they are living beings too. Ok, we have to eat them, but, for example with clothes, today is not necessary wear their skins. I dessagree with bullfighting because the bull is mistreated, but this is only my opinion, there are many people that thinks it is funny.

  13. I think the animals right must be respected because the animals are like the people. For me the animals have feelings and the people can give good life to animals and also we can give them love. The prople who abuse animal must pay for it, we don't allow it. I have a dog, i wouldn't allow anything bad happens him. I don't understand the people who give bad life to the animals it's very unfair because the animals are good.

    Ailin Figueroa Monsalve

  14. I like animals, but not too much for a pet. Although I'm all for animals, I often don't value them enough and they have the same rights as us. For example, the abandonment and abuse of animals; have them locked up in a cage, in zoos or circuses...
    Animals have feelings just like humans and we don't think the damage they can do, for example in bullfighting. I don't understand how there can be people who enjoy with this activity.
    To conclude, animals have the same rights as humans

    Celia Buendía López

  15. In my opinion, I agree with animal rights. Because the animals are very importants in human's life: they give us company and they help us in some works. They are not humans, but I don´t understand why some persons can kill them without legal problems... Why not protect them?

    Alejandro Parreño

  16. Hi,I think that the animals have feelings, theirs feelings are'n like humans, for example the humans can feel the love and some kinds of animals can't feel it.
    The protection for the animals must have a limit, imagine that we are seeing a man hitting a dog, yes, our obligation is go there and defend to it but if we are seeing a child playing with an anthill, I recognise that it isn't a problem.
    Then, in my opinion we have to search the limit.

  17. I believe that pets should be treated like people, and they have feelings and are legal. . Many times the error is of people who treat them. I think we have to try better. Finally, animals are a lot like people and have almost the same rights.

    Marta Collado
